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The culture of skepticism that has developed regarding digital news is, indeed, challenging.

However, cultural trends pass with time. The real challenges to overcome are the technical demands of online publishing if an e-magazine or digital newspaper maker wants to truly come of age. So, let the "fake news" criticism roll off your back.

Instead, tackle the top 3 issues every online newspaper maker needs to master.

1. Distribution: Just as print media of old met distribution challenges with newspaper boys, street-side kiosks and mail delivery, digital distribution also has to reach its audience.

Tech experts report that 62% of adults primarily source their news from social media sites. And 72% of news junkies are consuming their digital diet through mobile devices. To remain competitive, publishing software needs to be optimized for mobile device display and easy distribution across major social media sites.

2. Revenue: Falling ad revenue is, by and large, the reason print publications are a dying breed. Digital newsmakers need to keep advertisers happy by providing content that is responsive to their readership. This means having detailed behavioral data and comprehensive analytics.
These are the tools used to create content that delivers the impressions advertisers are looking for. Analytics need to justify the investment of an advertiser.

3. Satisfaction: The quality of content for any e-magazine or online newspaper maker is worthless if a site performs poorly, leaving readers dissatisfied.

Someone who logs on for a story wants 24/7 availability, fast connectivity, security, and reliability even during peak traffic time.

Software Strategy: This is the critical infrastructure which entirely supports an online newspaper or e-magazine.

If you are not getting the results you need to grow your audience, keep readers engaged and advertisers happy, contact us. Our e-publishing experts can advise you about a solution perfectly tailored to meet your needs.

The portal operates in the cloud and it has inherent capabilities that promote better interaction among users.

Through Jostle, you will express your culture better, engage your employees better and enhance communication. Jostle is one of the web portals that keeps your workers engaged across the board including those on social intranets as well as traditional portals.

Taking newspapers, magazines, journals, books and corporate collateral online are our passion. We understand 바카라사이트추천 all digital channels including Web, Mobile, E-Reader, RSS, , and Podcast well.Our products are designed to produce the best online reading experience; anywhere, anytime.

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