

7 Best Music Players for Mac You Should Try

by 엉뚱도마뱀 posted Dec 07, 2017


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Pine Player 가 맥 음악 플레이어 베스트 7에 선정(?) 되었습니다.

그런데 핵심 기능인 오버 샘플링 기능들을 제외하고도 선정이 되었군요.^^;

그만큼 플레이어 본연의 기능들이 안정화되고 있다는 평가인 것 같습니다. 

7. Pine Player

Pine Player is a pretty simple music player app for your Mac. It is free to download and use. It supports a number of audio file formats and has features like crossfade and gapless playback. It allows you to drag and drop songs to rearrange them in a queue. Creating a playlist is very simple and effortless process. The UI is pretty minimalistic and displays album art with a list of the songs. It also displays the type of file its playing which is a pretty neat feature if you have an eye for those details. It is free and you can get it from Mac App Store.





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