

2019.01.17 23:30

OSF: Always active

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Is the Oversampling Filter always active with the settings I have taken?

If so, this would mean that eg native 88.2khz/24 bit files would be resampled to the chosen settings I have taken (eg. 192/24).

Or would that/any "high res" file be played with its native sample rate?

If not, could OSF in future versions be optional (user selectable for on/off) in Pine Player?


  • ?
    micha 2019.01.17 23:40
    Hi again,
    I had overseen so far that I also could selecet 1x or 2x Source Rate for oversampling so that oversampling at least can happen on the same sample rate basis (44.1 / 48 khz) of the played file....

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Sketchbook5, 스케치북5