Request for the play/pause + previous & next track icons back in the Menu Bar

by Alex posted Jan 05, 2023


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in the latest version the very very very useful icons merged into 1 icon in the macOS Menu Bar. I use the play/pause button a lot, and the previous track and next track buttons also quite often.


it was truely 1 click. Extremely useful.


Now I have to click the single icon, a menu opens, then a second click to play/pause.

I dislike that so much that I rolled back the update, and reinstalled the october 31 version.


Please reconsider the move to the new single icon, or consider making it a setting: (*) many icons  |  ( ) single icon


Screenshot 2023-01-04 at 20.16.44.png



Kind regards,



Sketchbook5, 스케치북5

Sketchbook5, 스케치북5